Our Three Churches

Greenways Benefice consists of three churches on the north side of Chippenham - St Nicholas Hardenhuish, St Paul’s Chippenham and St Peter’s Langley Burrell (a village adjacent to Chippenham’s growing border). St Paul’s and St Peter’s act as separate churches under one PCC, while St Nicholas is a distinct parish with its own PCC. The patronage of the Benefice is shared between the Church Pastoral Aid Society and the Bishop of Bristol. The three churches each have a distinctive character, but regularly cooperate on missional events and share admin resources, the ministry team and teaching topics rota. The ministry team currently consists of seven lay ministers (which includes a paid youth minister) and several authorised worship leaders who help lead services across the benefice. The churches are keen to offer a warm welcome to everyone, encouraging all to participate in the life of the churches, and we take great care to show the love of Christ in our words and actions. 

What is the Electoral Roll, and should I be on it?

It is your parish church’s register of electors. In the same way that being on the civic Electoral Roll allows you to vote in parliamentary and local elections and referenda, joining the Church Electoral Roll means that you can vote on Church matters as well as attending the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. Being on the Electoral Roll does NOT make you a “member” of the Church; simply regarding one of our three Churches as your spiritual home does that. 

Do I have to join?

You can, of course, be a full and active member of one of our Churches without joining the Roll. Being on the Electoral Roll does not entail signing up to any additional commitments, however, it does help the Church show its strength. The only time joining the Role would be mandatory is if you wish to stand for election to  a church council or other formal church body.

Why join the Electoral Role?

Joining the electoral roll is an important way of confirming your commitment to your church community and to the vision of the church. It also opens up the way for greater involvement in the life of your church. Being on the Roll is an important statement of witness and a step along the path of discipleship.

How do I Qualify?

To join the Electoral Role you must meet the following conditions:

  • You must be baptised.
  • You must be aged 16 or over
  • You must be a member of the Church of England (or a Church in communion with the Church of England) and live in the parish

So how do I Join?

Application forms can be obtained from the Electoral Roll Officer - Maddy Crook, by clicking on the link below. Please also check our GDPR Policy,  which explains how we handle your data, and your rights under those regulations.

Our Vision

Our Benefice Vision is “Loving as Jesus loves, praying as he prays, and Growing in Christ to make him known”. We aim to be the community’s church, offering a place for all to explore faith and deepen their relationship with Jesus. While we have a particular focus on families and young people, we seek to welcome everyone wherever they are in their faith journey, and to show them the love of God in all our activities.


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